Randomisation Groups
If your child is eligible for this study, they will be randomised to one of two groups:
- Experimental treatment group: Your child will receive 18 Dynamic Therapy treatment sessions over 5 weeks
- Usual Care group: Your child will continue their usual care for 9 weeks
Experimental Treatment Group (Dynamic Therapy)
Your child will receive 18 Dynamic Therapy treatment sessions over 5 weeks. We will not give you speech homework while your child is receiving Dynamic Therapy. We will ask you if we can collect information about any additional speech therapy your child has during this time so that we can show if Dynamic Therapy is responsible for changes in your child’s speech.
Usual Care Group
We will ask for your consent to contact your child’s treating speech pathologist so that we can collect data about the therapy they are using with your child, their treatment goals, therapy progress and minutes of therapy per week your child has attended.
If the speech pathologist does not consent or cannot give us this information, we will ask you to provide this data. This information will be collected using an electronic survey sent to either you or your usual care treating speech pathologist.
If you would like to learn more about the usual care speech pathologist’s participation, click here.
Additional Testing Visits
For all participants, we ask that you and your child attend the clinic for three additional testing sessions throughout the project to measure treatment outcomes. These sessions will occur at week 0 (after your child’s assessment and before data collection begins in their randomly allocated group), week 5 and week 9 of your child’s participation in the study. The sessions will be conducted by speech language pathology assessors. You will receive a small gratuity for attending these three additional sessions.
For any of your assessment, treatment, or additional testing sessions, if you have to come to us and pay for parking or travel, we will reimburse you up to the cost of $20.00 per visit